Monday, July 18, 2016


I think 2016 is proof that evolution of mankind has hit a big bump in the road. I thought the longer our species inhabited this big blue ball called earth we become wiser kinder more enlightened and just better all around. Instead it seems that mankind has hit a huge pot hole or a big hill we can’t get over. The world seems to be getting more bitter more divided and closer to our own demise. To be honest it really scares me. It makes me want to act like and ostrich and stick my head in the sand. I don’t want’ to turn on my television or open my social media apps for fear of what I will see next. I see so much hatred and division in our world and I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. We have coexisted on this planet for a really long time I can’t say how long because depending on your own beliefs I risk offending some. I certainly don’t want to start another debate on another subject. 

There is so much anger, hate, judgement and bitterness and I see it destroying all of us. I feel like we literally use anything we can find to spark another controversy or debate. Ironically I just seen a story that a picture of Victoria Beckham kissing her child has gone viral and is sparking a debate if it is okay to kiss your child? Are you freaking serious? According to news sources Ms. Beckham posted a photo on her Instagram and it went viral. Now we have kissing parents vs. non kissing parents. Really? Really? Is this necessary do we truly need one more subject to take sides on. Have we reached a point where we have to defend our right to kiss or not kiss our children. If I kiss my child in public will there be a protest will someone call the police. Can we call the police? What if there are black people nearby? Don’t cops hate black people? Black people hate cops right? What if some of the cops are democrats? The republicans hate them? What if there is a republican nearby? Won’t that republican attack me for kissing my child? Wouldn’t that republican scream at me that I am making my child gay? Republicans hate gays? What if a Muslim was driving by and seen me kiss my child? OMG are they going to have me stoned in the town square? I mean they already hate me simply  for being a Christian? I hate them because they are terrorist? There wouldn’t so many Muslim terrorist if the damn Liberals would crack down on immigration? Those democrats just letting everyone and anyone come to our country taking our American jobs from us? Wait they aren't taking our jobs they all come here get on government assistance and milk the system don’t they? Perhaps I would luck out and a gay person would be there. They would support me kissing my child they are all pedophiles aren’t they? I read that they are on the internet. Perhaps my overt affection for my child will make them gay? The gay community would love that it helps their recruitment process doesn't it? If only I had a concealed carry permit I could pull out my AR15 and fire a warning shot to disperse the growing crowd? That would’t work I would draw attention. There could be a vegan nearby. If the Vegan  takes cover near my car they will see the McDonald’s bag in my car. He will attack me for being a meat eater? The vegan screaming about my food choices would cause the Mommy Police to spot the box of Cheez Its and accuse me of child abuse for not buying organic brussel sprouts because they taste just as good as Cheez its? The environmentalist would be screaming at the mommy police for noticing the cheez its and not noticing they are in a big gas guzzling SUV or the bulk non recycled paper towels in the back of it? The republicans might step in and support me because I had a child instead of an abortion? The democrats might step in to support me because I didn’t have a concealed carry to protect myself. The gays would then turn on me because they realized I am straight wouldn’t they? The Muslims would want me dead for kissing in public and dressing like a whore? Half of the Christians would begin a prayer circle for my soul the other half would be making signs that all gays are an abomination and are doomed to hell? Now the transgendered are screaming at me because they see my son playing with a Tonka truck.They want to know why I didn't buy him a Barbie doll? When I try to explain that he wanted  it they say it’s because society and I have brainwashed him into thinking he wanted it? The health nuts would be attacking me for being overweight. The feminist would be defending me with signs that a woman is more than a size or weight? The feminist could argue with the health nuts that instead of worrying about my size they should be asking why I don’t get equal pay as the man does? I don’t even have a job! When the republicans hear this they scream at me for living off the system. When I explain that my husband works and I don’t live off the system. The blacks turn on me for having white privilege. The democrats turn on me assuming I am a republican. The gays turn on me for being straight. The health nuts turn on me for being fat. The feminist turn on me for depending on a man. The environmentalist shame me for driving an SUV. The Mommy police for poisoning my child with junk food. The Christians and Muslims turn on me for loving my gay brothers. The republicans turn on me for not owning a gun. Before I know the entire crowd has turned on me for one reason or another. Except for this one guy he has been walking through the parking lot during the whole adventure staring at his phone he has no idea whats going on. He is hunting Pokemon. Which of course upsets the Japanese anime folks! And this my friends is the world today!