Monday, September 20, 2010

Did I Mention I Don't Like Cats? Part 1

Only in Jami world can these things actually happen! Last week I talked with Michelle and even managed to stop in for a brief visit early in the week. We had a nice chat and planned on making a girl day on Friday to do lunch and perhaps a little retail therapy while our boys were in school. After the long rather sad week we had in losing one of our friends from school. We decided to have a fun time together and actually get out of our respective homes for a few hours. On Friday morning looking so forward to a girls day out with one of my best friends I was extremely motivated showered dressed and called the salon for a hair appointment and managed to make the bed a load of laundry and cleaned up breakfast dishes. All of this prior to 8:35 am, needless to say I had my A game on. I immediately called Michelle to see where we going to go and what we were going to get into, when to my heart's distress she didn't answer her phone. I decided I would go ahead and leave for my appointment and call her from the road. Maybe we could still meet up after my appointment and grab lunch or even get pedi's. I actually arrived at my appointment early which is something I rarely do. (Just ask my family) I decide to wander into Lane Bryant only to discover that they no longer sale pants small enough to fit me!!!!!! Yeah that's right they don't carry my size, sorry I may be bragging a bit but I have to admit my ego was boosted big time. And to top it off I am getting a new do and a little pampering at the Salon. Ever the optimist I am sure by the time I have finished with my appointment Michelle will answer her phone and we can meet for lunch and talk and laugh like we always do. Well optimism sometimes isn't all it is cracked up to be you know? Michelle still doesn't answer her phone. Still tyring to keep my bubbly state going I convince myself that in spite of my lack of female companionship I will have my retail therapy alone. I mean I can do that for crying out loud, so what if I have no one around to share it with. I just seen Eat Pray Love at the movies with Julia Roberts and if that chick can take of to three foreign countries for a year. I can manage TJ Maxx without having a pity party. I was right TJ Maxx is just fun with or without friends. I was grabbing things off the rack to try on like I possessed an unlimited American Express card and actually had employment. Off to the fitting room I go. (by the way TJ Maxx policy is only 10 items at a time in the dressing room) So I asked the fitting room attendant (personal shopper well in my mind anyway) to hold the other items on her rack until I try on the first ten. Being that I am alone and have no one with me to offer an opinion on anything. I am able to see that a couple of items I chose were definite "NO'S" not flattering in any way shape or form or in any three way mirrors with fluorescent lighting. But some of the other items I really needed a second opinion. This is where I turned the poor unwitting fitting room attendant and perhaps a few other retail therapy patients into my own personal shoppers. After my personal shopper allowed me my second round of items and after modeling said items for her as well as a few other customers. I realized that I had turned the fitting room into Jami's personal fashion runway show then add the fact that I don't have an unlimited budget or credit card I decided to end the fashion show and for go trying on round three items. I come out of the dressing room hand my much perturbed personal shopper all of my items except for three really cute shirts and head to the check out. (I don't think the fitting room attendant liked me.) She didn't even smile when I pointed out that I had purchased one of the shirts she said didn't make my boobs look too big. Granted she only told me this because I ask her the direct question, "are you sure this doesn't make my boobs look too big?" Off to the check out with my meager purchases I try one more time to contact Michelle to no avail. I contemplated waiting a little longer and trying to call Michelle again when my stomach makes it's own protest and has informed me waiting any longer to hear from Michelle is not an option. They say many often think with parts on their bodies other than their brains. Well I don't think we women should be so quick to judge, I have found that my stomach has often called the shots over my head and my heart. So to Steak and Shake I go the Frisco Melt is calling my name. The stupid hostess sits me in a giant booth which makes it look even more awkward that I am occupying a big booth for one. I think she was trying to taunt me like some sort of school yard bully....ha haha haha ha you don't have any friends and you have to eat alone! Look at her everyone she is all by herself scarfing down a Frisco Melt like she has been in prison. Isn't she funny trying to look all smart and confident with her bifocals and her book. She is trying to pretend she enjoys this maybe all of us folks here at Steak and Shake should make her a big sign that says "LOSER" and sit it in the booth with her. Well maybe it wasn't that bad but it did sort of feel like she was trying to taunt me especially when she asked me if this would be on one check. I finally snapped and said "no actually I thought perhaps those two old coots in the corner who have stared at me the entire meal could split the cost of the stupid Frisco Melt and salad or maybe even you would like to chip in?" The Steak and Shake waitress didn't find my humor anymore than the personal shopper at TJ Maxx did? When I finally am making my way home and since I can no longer shop at Lane Bryant I decide I have the right to a McDonald's Mocha Frappe as a treat for myself. I try Michelle one more time to fill her in on my day. Michelle then proceeds to tell me that she just got home from Grove City, TJ Maxx to be specific she needed some retail therapy as well. She had posted on my Facebook which in my rush for my girls day did not get checked this morning. Upon further conversation I explain that I too have been in Grove City TJ Maxx as well. I tell her I will be at her house in a few minutes to compare receipts and purchases. At Michelle's house upon comparing receipts we discover that we were in TJ's at the same time and actually checked out about 6 minutes apart!! OMG seriously I subjected the poor attendant and several other unwilling shoppers and my friend was in the store the entire time. You have got to be kidding me. Michelle did bring up a valid point that maybe since we didn't reach each other at home we might have been smart enough to call each other's cell phones. Well isn't that just the grandest idea ever? Cell phones who knew they could be so convenient? Obviously not Michelle or I! Seriously, I haven't even gotten to the part about the stupid cat yet, but Drake just called from his new school and is locked in a bathroom stall with let's just say some "intestinal issues" and I need to go pick him up. So the story of the cat will have to come in two installments unfortunately. I will just label this on Did I Mention I Don't Like Cat's (Part 1). I will try to have installment two up later today, but that will depend heavily on the amount of intestinal trouble Drake is suffering. If not I will get part 2 tomorrow. I don't want to leave this like a Dallas cliff hanger for you fine readers so I will say this there is a cat her name is Berlin and apparently I am her new owner. Oops almost forgot to add part one to the title of this one! Soon good readers soon I will finish the entire saga of "Kittygate 2010" until then I need to go rescue Drake from the bathroom stall at school. Good day and blessings to each of you!!

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