Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't Wait Until it is Dark!

Well since I was a little lippy yesterday I thought today I would try to play nice. This morning when I got the family up and out the door I began my bible study. I actually got it this morning must have been the extra scoop I put in the coffee maker. So I thought I would share it with you all. As I have gotten a little older my profound moments are fewer and farther between. I was reading Luke 2: 41-45 Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended to festival as usual. After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn't miss him at first, because they assumed he was with friends among the other traveler's. But when he didn't show up that evening they started looking for him among the friends and relatives. When they couldn't find him they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. After reading through this scripture a second time one verse really struck me. "His parents didn't miss him at first, but when he didn't show up that evening they began looking for him" WOW. I thought about how often all of us do this when it comes to Jesus. How often we go through our days celebrating and enjoying our lives and pay no attention to rather Jesus is in the midst or not. It is sort of just a second thought we assume he is there but not really aware of his presence or lack thereof. Just like his own parents that day many of us don't bother to look for him until darkness falls. We walk through our lives and go about our days without any acknowledgment of him at all but when something bad happens and the darkness starts to surround us we realize that we need him with us. We want to know he is right there among us right there by our side. I thought about this scripture from Mary's prospective as a mother and the panic and terror she must have felt unable to find her son. I know from my own experience how scary it is when you can't locate your children in a store, mall or festival. I have experienced this myself with my own and they have cell phones. Imagine traveling by foot and being perhaps many miles from the place you last seen him and no means other than to walk back to try and locate Him. No 911 to call no amber alert being sent out. What a terrifying experience for any mother to think her child is missing. I prayed on this scripture over and over and I ask God that he make me aware and to not allow Jesus to go missing from my life. I ask him to allow me to feel that same since of panic if I start to ignore the Son and to forget how much I need him to be with me. I need him to make the entire journey with me. I don't only want him with me after the darkness falls I want him with me during the entire trip. I ask to be made aware of his presence when all is light and good and celebration is happening. When everyone is safe at home and not in the hospital or out on the road. Many of us myself included can get wrapped up in our days, our families, our schedules, our work and our chores and we forget to look for Jesus and make sure he is in the midst of it. Don't allow me to get caught up and assume he is out there somewhere among the others if I need him. Have him with me holding my hand just like I wish I could get my own children to still do. I think back on when my boys were much younger and when we went across the street, in crowds or parking lots how they would allow me to hold their little hands in mine to make sure they got to where we needed to be safely. Well God I need Jesus to old my hand and get me where I need to be safely. This caused me to think of another scripture Matthew 18:3 Then he said "unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Lord today let me become as a little child and realize that I need you to watch over me, protect me, comfort me and I need Jesus to hold my hand because as little children we need guidance and someone stronger and wiser to protect us. God I want to enter the kingdom of Heaven (not today by the way) but someday let Jesus walk with me to make sure that I take the right path and keep me from the danger of sin that leads away from Heaven. Oh and another thing God I promise not to mount speakers to the trees during deer season. I will behave and not interfere even though I still think it is a terrorist attack. Amen!

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