Thursday, December 3, 2009

Men are helpless and women should rule the world

It is official the good Lord has to keep me here long enough to get my children raised. Of course it doesn't look like they will be raised at 18 or even 21 at this point. My family absolutely can not function without me. I don't mean to complain I am aware that many folks would love to have a job where they were truly indispensable given our current economy. It would be great for me if I didn't work for a non-profit known as McComas Industries. I really mean non profit Kohl's and Target have not seen me in months. Kohl's misses me so much they sent me a ten dollar gift card for anything in the store just to get me to come in. Okay now for why men are helpless here it is. My brother comes in town for a visit from Florida, he is staying at my mom's house. So I plan on going to visit him at Mom's but, being the dedicated amazing wife and mother that I am I know this will cause me to be late in getting dinner. So trying to be proactive and not starve my dear family to death I fry my hamburger early in the morning and add some spaghetti sauce and pop it in the crock pot. Pretty simple you would think? I lay a box of spaghetti noodles next to the crock pot. I am thinking this should be fairly easy for my family to manage the rest of the dinner preparations. All they have to do is boil water and cook some spaghetti noodles and voila it is dinner. That evening as I am visiting with my brother and mom my cell rings it is Drake. He ask when I am coming home and he also wants to know what is cooking in the crock pot? I explain to him that it is spaghetti sauce with meat. Then my precious boy says "uh oh really?" I explain that unless some dinner fairy showed up and changed the contents of the crock pot I am definite that it is spaghetti sauce (this is why I left the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter next to the crock pot) Drake proceeds to tell me that he and my sweet hubby thought it was manwich and they just put it on bread and ate it. OMG seriously, what on earth did they think the spaghetti noodles were; a garnish to the crock pot? When your family can't even boil noodles to finish a simple meal you really know how badly your presence is required to keep the family going. If only all careers had this much job security there would have been no economic crisis. So the next time some over achieving highly paid Kate Spade bag toting, Italian leather shoe wearing employed corporate drone looks down her nose that I am just a stay at home mom. I can promptly put her in her place and say "yeah honey if I don't show up the whole enterprise shuts down. I don't think you could say the same although I am sure they would miss your daily fashion show." Maybe I should try to find my self help book about not being bitter? Then again maybe women shouldn't rule the world. Perhaps we could do flex time and on PMS weaks you got that off (paid of course) but this would be really random for me since I wouldn't be able to request off in advance since I never know when mother nature's little gift is coming since I turned 40. I am sure we could put something in the Ruling the World handbook to accomodate other woman of a certain age. Sounds good to me what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha having an entire male empire in your little country palace is certainly not much different than corporate america when men still think they are superior. Go get em tiger tell em like it is LOL!! Full 20 years up on you today and I could really give you some stories. Love you Jan
