Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why Mom's gifts are never just for mom?

Now could someone please explain to me how husbands and children can literally get thousand dollar Christmas' and the only thing that anyone in the house wants to play with is Mom's one and only gift? I mean if everyone wanted a new lap top for Christmas why did they not just ask for one? On Christmas morning everyone spent nearly an hour opening all of their presents and laughing and dancing around so excited to get everything they asked for. By the way if I were Jesus I would be really ticked off that the entire world gets gifts on my birthday and barely anyone acknowledges that it is my special day. But hey that is just me and I supposed and even more hope that Jesus is not as shallow as myself. But anyway everyone gets all these great gifts a new guitar and amp for Drake. A new compound bow and bb gun for Peyton. Also a new cross bow for Peyton, although I think Tony bought it more for himself since Peyton lacks the upper body strength to pull the the back to shoot it, but that is another story. Needless to say all these cool gifts I lack either, ability, talent, strength or eyesight to use. Yet everyone in my house has taken quite well to my new laptop. When I opened it on Christmas morning I was so excited and thought how cool it would be to be able to have my very own computer with high speed internet connection. I thought wow I will really be able to blog more consistently as well as nose around on facebook and do a lot more research about getting my book published. Now I have to fight for a turn on my new gift. And then when I get a chance to use my one and only new toy I get to spend the entire time listening to my family argue over who gets to use it when I am finished with it. Listening to your family argue is not conducive to writing. It is very hard to concentrate on good material when your family is calling each other names and requesting that you settle with questions like "Mom Drake called me a ^%&%$ bag, Drakes says well it is only because you called me a %^%$ head and mom isn't a ^%&%$ bag worse than a %^%$ head? And in the mean time I have Tony saying I get to use it next because I paid for it. Oh really? I thought Santa bought it for me?I am contemplating a revenge for next week when everyone is back at school and back at work on a normal schedule. I thought perhaps I would be sitting in Peyton's room with the X-box controller in one hand while standing on the WI fit board Drake's guitar strapped around me and shooting Peyton's (Tony's) cross bow out the bedroom window when they come home and see how they like me playing with all of their shiny new toys. I even though about dressing in some of their new clothes but unfortunately I can't fit into anything they own other than their socks. Maybe I could squeeze into Tony's new thermal pants but, I fear if he seen me in them I possible could be jeopardizing my sex life. Something tells me skin tight thermal underwear on this body is an image he may not be able to get out of his head. Granted if I did this I would probably cause issues with my neighbor across the street. They probably wouldn't like it if by chance I shot one of their prized race horses in the field with Peyton's (Tony's) new cross bow. I will be sure to let you know if I follow through with my revenge plan. And in future blogs if you notice a lot more typos than normal you will know that I have decided to start doing all of my blogging while locked inside my car with my i-pod in to avoid listening to my family arguing about who gets to use my gift next. Being that it is so cold here in Snow-hio right now blogging from the safety of my car might not be a bad idea the heated seats could be quite soothing and much quieter.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha the joys of Motherhood they are the gift that just keeps on giving or should I say taking and taking!!! Yes I can see when your vehicle would offer comfort after all that one family just survived in the snow for 8 days or something so since your vehicle isn't in a garage go for it!!! Heat up those seats, rock that baby with the stero, and type away. Maybe you could even get the family to bring you something to eat curbside??? Well, try to enjoy your toy in your own little empire wherever you may have to locate it!! Love Jan
